VOL. 1 “UTOPIA” / DEC. 2015VOL. 2 “NO MAN’S LAND” / MAR. 2016
VOL. 3 “NOMAD”/ SEP. 2016
VOL. 4 “HOME” / DEC. 2017
VOL. 5 “FLIGHT” / SEP. 2018
“Free Association Magazine (Free Ass. Mag.) is an anti-architecture/architecture [maga]zine, responding in agitation to the isolated nature of architecture by viewing the built environment through the lenses of varying media and ideas. Free Ass. Mag. will discuss topics of the inhabitable realm triggered by a single theme for each published issue.
This publication was born out of the idea that our environment, built or unbuilt, influences much of what we are and the things we make as manifestations of our existence. We hope to begin a platform of discourse with people across the globe, not only artists and designers, but anyone from scuba instructors and taxi drivers. Each issue will be a collection of eyes observing our surrounding environment in order to create the lens through which we can critically unpeel its layers and examine what we have done and are yet to do. "
Amanda Wills
Editor/Founder Free Ass. Mag